
How Cloud works?

Cloud is a model of computing where servers, networks, storage and development tools are enabled through the internet. Instead of corporates having to make major investments to buy equipment’s, train staff and provide ongoing maintenance, some or all of these services are handled by a cloud service providers.

There are 5 key features of a cloud computing environment, as defined by the National Institute of Standard and Technology ( NIST )

Internet Access

With a public cloud environment, user “plug into” the data and application via an internet connection giving anytime anywhere access.

Measured services

Could is often pay-as-you-go, where you only pay for what you use. Think about how a utility company meters how much water, electricity, or gas is used and charges based on consumption. The cloud is the same.

On Demand Self Service

Services can be requested and provisioned quickly, without the need for manual help and configuration.

Shared Resources Pooling

Cloud often uses the multi-tenancy model. This means a single application is shared among several users. So, rather than creating a copy of the application for each user, several users, or tenants can configure the application to their specific needs.

Rapid Elasticity

Cloud platforms are elastic. An organization can scale its resource usage levels up or down quickly and easily as needs change.

Cloud Technology and model.

Could computing can be deployed in different models depending on what services a business needs. The first thing to consider is the deployment model- public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud and multi-cloud. The next element is the service category-Saas (Software as a Service), Paas (Platform as a Service ) and Iaas ( Infrastructure as a service).

As noted above there 4 cloud model management services which can be elaborate in following manner.

Public Cloud

Connecting to a public cloud is to use internet connection to access computing resources hosted on data centers managed by a third party cloud service provider, rather than owing and maintaining these resources on-premises. A shared public cloud has many companies sharing same infrastructures.

Examples of cloud services providers are - Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Alibaba.

Private Cloud

This Cloud model is great for organization concerned about sharing resources on a public could. It is implemented on servers owned and maintained by the organization and accesses over the internet or through a private internal network.

A private cloud environment gives you complete control over data and security in order to meet specific regulatory and other compliance requirement.

Hybrid Cloud

Now day’s companies use a combination of several cloud models. This is noted as hybrid cloud model. It is a combination of both public and private cloud management. To use mix of both cloud model, a corporate to have capabilities to manage communication and infrastructure between both cloud models. This model allows business to have extra layer of security of data and flexibility for management of cloud data and information.

Service Category

Saas(Software as a Service)

SaaS is the most commonly used cloud application and is becoming a dominant way for orginaisation to access software applications.

Paas(Platform as a Service)

PaaS is a popular choice for businesses who want to create unique applications without making major financial investments.

Iaas(Infrastructure as a service)

LaaS is the simplest option for businesses. With IaaS, an organization migrates its hardware-renting servers and data storage in the cloud rather than purchasing and maintaining its own infrastructure.

Cloud Security

Security plays an important role in cloud technology and Cloud service providers take it extremely seriously. Their business depends on it. Plus, there are many regulatory bodies and compliance requirements from industries of all kinds driving the need for the cloud to be both as accessible as possible, while also being as secure as possible.

The fact is that the data stored in the cloud is probably safer than data on your harddrive. Though Service providers are more vigilant about their data security and having robust method of securing cloud data, Users of the cloud, however, need to be responsible for application security and securing the environment they create.

Future of cloud

With COVID 19 sparked across the world, work from Home ( WFH ) methodology started prevailing across the industry wherein major lead was taken by IT industry. From here acceleration of digital working and cloud usage took big jump in most of the industry wherein company data and other information was easily available through cloud platform by sitting at home which assures business continuity as well as uninterrupted flow of work.

The businesses who invested in cloud facility initially are enjoying great amount of flexibility in the businesses and abled to their supply chains and ways of buying at speed. They carry less fixed IT costs, making it possible to cut expenses far quicker than laggards who have been slow to migrate to the cloud.

In near future too crisis will continue along with scale of uncertainty is without doubt, to overcome from this scenario businesses now thinking over the permanent solution for business continuity and end to end plan for undisturbed work flow, they realized that they need to invest into new technology, flexibilities which will allow them to work seamlessly with new way of doing business uninterruptedly. Cloud is the solution to come over these type of situation which will transform the way of doing business.