Private Sector Banks

In current scenario Private sector banks has already taken major chunk of Assets and Liability from Natinalised and co-op banking sector and performing very well in this competitive environment.

Strong Sales force with vigilant Risk team is the key of successful balance sheet of any bank which most of the top private banks having these infrastructure in place.

Since Fundupay promoter having private banking experience, we know how private sector banking works and what they need exactly, though most of the top notch banks are having their own arrangement through their respective agency or own product development still there are banks who are having need to our product services.

Fundupay can offer following services to Private banks.

  • E-stamping
  • E-Signature
  • Cloud data storage
  • Bank statement excel format output report
  • GST validation reports
  • Crime Record check
  • Buy now Pay later Product
  • Payment platform
  • AI based KYC verification