Co-Operative Banks

Main feature of Banking Services in Co-operative bank is Personalized services with 100% knowledge of clients business, family and his assets and liabilities.

Co-operative Banks in Maharashtra and rest of states will be our major clients to whom we are targeting as our clients for most of Fundupay’s API products.

With small bank size though profitable business, cost effective solution will support these co-op banks to reduce pressure on their staff and also save lot on time spent on manual working.

At Fundupay we are technology company with maximum products are based on API and system based work flow will support co-op bank to achieve their business goals year on year.

Fundupay offer following products.

  • E-stamping
  • E-Signature
  • Cloud data storage
  • Bank statement excel format output report
  • Probe42 reports
  • GST validation reports
  • Crime Record check
  • Virtual Debit and Credit cards
  • General and health Insurance products
  • Prepaid Cards
  • Buy now Pay later Product
  • Payment platform
  • Loan Operating System
  • Imbedded Credit lines to Vendors
  • Co-Branded Credit cards
  • AI based KYC verification